Aims and Objectives

[fusion_text]The 1916 Societies are an Irish Separatist Movement and believe that the Irish Republic should be a Sovereign Independent State.

The 1916 Societies are committed to fostering and promoting Irish unity as set out in the 1916 Proclamation.

The 1916 Societies believe in the right of the Irish people to national self-determination. We demand that this right is recognised in the form of a 32 county referendum on Irish Unity.

The 1916 Societies believe the proposed Referendums under the 1998 Act do not constitute National Self-Determination, and would in effect be merely an internal six County border poll. Schedule 1 of the 1998 Act gives the British Secretary of State a supreme veto over the Self-Determination of the Irish people and guarantees Unionists gerrymandering of the island of Ireland. Under this act, the British Government through the  Secretary of State, claims that they and they alone may or may not call a Referendum,  and claims the right to decide who and who will not have the right to vote, decide on the wording of the Referendum and will only call one when they are satisfied as to its outcome.

The 1916 Societies believe it is for the citizens of Ireland who have the absolute and sovereign right to decide the future of this island. It is for them and they alone, free from external impediment, to choose their own destiny.

The 1916 Societies believe National self-determination expressed through an all-Ireland referendum will give every Irish citizen the equal right to vote on the issue of the partition of Ireland and the formation of sovereign independent unitary state.

The 1916 Societies are committed to organising a campaign for Irish Unity.

The 1916 societies believe that a party political strategy will not unite Ireland. They have no intention of engaging in an electoral strategy to partitions institutions.

The 1916 societies are committed to putting the issues of the partition of Ireland and Irish unity at the top of the political agenda.

The 1916 societies are committed to honouring Ireland’s patriot dead.

The 1916 societies will work with other organisations and individuals, at home and abroad, to promote Irish unity.

The 1916 societies’ are committed at a local level to the following

To remember the patriot dead of Ireland.

•    This is to involve commemorations, lectures, debates, murals, festivals and other activities.

•    To foster and promote a united Ireland as set out in the 1916 proclamation.

•    To encourage, facilitate and organise debate on republicanism past, present and future.

•    To specifically encourage education among the people about the republican history of Ireland with a particular focus on young people.

•    To work with other organisation in relation to the promotion of Irish sport, language and culture.

•    To outreach to other groups and individuals where their support is likely to be in accordance with the stated objectives

The 1916 societies are founded on the principles of the 1916 proclamation and is dedicated to their promotion. It is an independent organisation which gives no allegiance or favour to any political organisation. Individual members my favour or indeed be involved with political organisations but the 1916 societies as a collective body will remain independent.

Membership of the 1916societies shall be open to any Irish republican regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation or ability, except those who endorse British rule and accept the crown forces as a legitimate force in Ireland.[/fusion_text]